Flowers are people.
My Ikebana teacher said, “Flowers are people.”
At the reception of the chiropractor, there was a flower arrangement for the first time. I usually go straight to the treatment room, but that day I had to wait in the waiting room for a few minutes, which caused me to take time to look at the flowers. It’s as if the flowers were talking to me.
Me: I’ve been doing Ikebana for two years now, but I never improved and I didn’t enjoy it, either. But I thought that if I could afford the monthly fee, I would continue. In the beginning, I was in a yoga class with a lovely lady in her seventies who was an Ikebana teacher, so I thought that I wanted to grow old like her more than I wanting to learn Ikebana.
My teacher is very strict and I used to feel negative about my difficulty in learning, but recently I realized why. I was focusing on what I couldn’t do. When I focused on what I could do, I realized that I like flowers and I’m good at growing plants, so there are something I like. When I turned my focus to something other than myself, the first thing that my teacher had told me became clear to me.
The flowers were cut in the mountains and came to me through various flows. I place them in a vase, in a microcosm that brings out the best of the flowers and arrange them more beautifully than they would be in nature”.
When I listen to people, I try to erase myself and let them be who they are. It’s the same with flowers. I try to put aside myself, observe the flower and arrange it in a vase as if it were in nature.