The Vision of ALL EARS Community

Hitomi’s Rules of Life
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

We all have ears but have we ever been taught to open them? It only takes one person being ALL-EARS to transform a community, large or small. “Open your ears” and hearts will follow.

As we stand on the brink of launching the ALL EARS Community, the time has come for us to delve deeper into our vision. While we once championed the grand ideal of “world peace through listening skills,” now we seek to solidify this ideal further, outlining it in a form that can be realized.

My journey towards enhancing my listening skills started during my tenure as the manager of an apparel store. To maximize the potential of each staff member, I invested in myself by acquiring coaching techniques. Questioning both myself and my subordinates about our dreams, exploring how to utilize our current situation to realize those dreams, clarifying our goals, and then translating these into specific action plans followed by continuous feedback, all contributed to strengthening our relationships and achieving remarkable improvements in sales. After my resignation, several staff members found their paths and began moving towards new stages in their lives. It was surprising to discover that by listening to each individual, I had even nurtured their independence!

Listening skills have also transformed my relationship with my family. By lending an ear to my mother and providing her with precise feedback, I often see her anxieties vanish. Engaging actively with my sister, who has different hobbies, has increased our shared joys and broadened my world. Furthermore, in my relationship with my brother’s children, I serve as their aunt and a compassionate listener and understanding figure.

By enhancing my listening skills, I’ve become more open to actively exploring areas I previously had no interest in, broadening my knowledge and filling my world with richer colors.

Listening skills have also contributed to improving my English proficiency. Previously focused solely on what I was saying, I’ve come to realize that communication can be effectively established by listening to what the other person says. Learning English by listening has enhanced my listening skills, enriched my communication, and significantly reduced my anxiety of what to do if I couldn’t speak.

When facing someone one-on-one, there comes a moment when you see the beauty in every individual. I’ve come to appreciate the value of engaging in one-on-one conversations.

My perspective on myself has undergone a complete transformation. By moving beyond a critical viewpoint and cultivating a mindset of self-acceptance, I’ve improved my ability to look at things from a broader perspective. Moreover, by exploring new possibilities through self-questioning, I’ve realized that the scope of my potential is immeasurably vast.

Previously, I tended to view things in a definitive way, as either “right or wrong,” “black or white,” which might have been causing me undue stress. However, by learning the art of active listening and making a conscious effort to accept others’ words without judgment, I began to question what I had taken for granted and discovered new values. Through this process, a philosophical way of thinking, considering matters from multiple perspectives, naturally developed within me.

This change goes beyond mere skill improvement, bringing invaluable worth to my journey of self-awareness and growth. The decision to invest in myself by taking a listening course at the age of 30 has yielded priceless value.

Listening skills are the key to changing our worldview and enriching our lives more deeply. My dream is to create a world where “one person with listening skills leads those around them to happiness.” To realize such a dream, I am launching the ALL EARS Community. I hope to realize this worldview, which I am currently achieving on my own, in everyone’s world as well. Let’s build a culture rooted in understanding and respect by valuing our voices and listening to the words of others. A new civilization begins here.



Hitomi’s Rules of Life

Born in Tokyo • Life coach since 2006 • Blogger • Organizer of ONE DAY ONE UNIT community